Unit testing

Unit testing is an internal flow of software development used by programmers to improve the development process. Unit testing is good for a customer because it really increases the speed of development. It is also good for developers because it makes the system more stable and minimizes bugs and other defects.

Unit tests as modern approach of software development is an important part of many methodologies. The idea of unit tests is following – we develop the application as maximal collection of unit-tests which minimally satisfy the requirements of future system. As soon as unit tests are ready we start the development of code to pass each test. At the beginning of development all tests fail. We consider the project being successfully finished when all requirements are implemented and all tests are passed with positive result.

Why do unit tests increase the speed of development? The answer is simple – developers spend less time on bug fixing after testers’ activities on the project. If you are not impressed with the increase of such attributes of the project as safety, reliability and scalability then you must be impressed with speed of development and price of the project.

Why do unit tests are minimizing bugs? If a developer has any bug in his program – logical or algorithmic, the proper unit test would not pass. During the development process unit tests are passing more then ten times a day by each team member, so if a developer had passed all tests for one module and after few changes the tests show bad result he can understand the problem and fix it very quickly.

By the way, a client can observe how things are done starting the remote unit tests flow every time he wants so to do.

We use unit tests to make the quality of our software better and provide our customers with cheaper solutions. Do not hesitate to ask us additional questions about unit testing.